Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mingled Conversations and Epiphanies
27 August 2006

My program beginning-of-the-semester party was earlier this evening, after which a large group of us, much larger than last year if I recall, gathered at Gold Cane in the Haight for pool and conversation. I began to notice with a curious observing mind that when talking with someone and looking into their eyes, or even not looking into their eyes, that I was talking with their essence or soul or whatever you want to call it, and not really identifying the person with their body or physical manifestation, though I did notice their presence, physical or otherwise.

I'm not sure what this means nor do I desire to place a meaning behind it. It is merely an observation. When someone mentions a person's name who is not present in that moment, what comes to our minds? Is it the essence of who and what we understand that person to be, in other words, our experiences of them up through the utterance of their name, and/or do we recall their physical appearance?

More and more I am convinced, through my experiences, that we are so much more than our names and labels and the physicality that we take on, yet these aspects of our beingness do and can have a profound affect upon us and how we grow or who/what we continually grow into. How does my name and hearing myself called this name throughout life affect how I perceive myself and interact with others, or how they experience me? How does the vibratory resonance of one name differ from the vibratory experience of another name? While incredibly subtle, the affects seem weighty. Is it possible, with awareness of all these subtle frequencies that constitute living, to fully embrace them and thus become further empowered?

A wandering mind, a wandering mind. Yet the heart is content with these "puzzles" because life is fascinating and full of magick, so let it be.

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