Friday, March 28, 2008


Sometimes we can all use a little extra padding in our lives. The following is a meditation to call in protection against the elements. It will help you to become more centered and grounded, and it will allow what is unnecessary to fall away or become less threatening.

Sit in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes.

Begin to pull your energies back into yourself, focusing your attention on your own body. Spend a moment allowing your thoughts to go where they will and let yourself become the observer of these thoughts. There is no need to judge, just let them be.

Start to bring your awareness into greater focus on your body. Feel the entirety of your body and feel its presence in the world.

Imagine that a vibrant white light surrounds your body, about three feet out in every direction. Feel it as a nourishing light, energizing and replenishing you just as the sun nourishes plants. This light not only offers nourishment, it protects you from outside energies and protects you from spreading your own energy too thin.

Bask in this light until you feel fully renewed and strengthened.

As you go through your day, if you feel run down or as if someone's getting the better of you, remember your protective shell of light, and let it deflect what's not your own and ground within your awareness what is.

1 comment:

Sarah Lizzy Beth said...

this is wonderful,
thx for sharing!