Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is Love?

I recently read an article on Nerve that likened love to a willingness to wipe your beloved's butt should they become incapacitated, without reservation or resentment. To be there for that special someone regardless of all those stupid little things they do that piss you off. I guess you could say that love is for real when you take off the rose-colored glasses and still see that grossly imperfect person before you as undeniably amazing and beautiful.

Love is continually molested by over-idealization - thoughts of how it should be and what and who it can include. Perhaps true love in itself is perfect, it's unconditional, but do the people involved ever come close to reaching such a perfected state? Would it be love if they did?

Once you love someone, is there a ever a point when you stop loving them? If emotions come and go, but love endures all things, then what is love? When your partner becomes wrinkled and crippled by old age, or changes into a person different than the one you originally knew, what happens to the love you grew to feel for them?

I'm convinced that love is so much more than a passing emotion or infatuation, and that it has the power to bring people together in unforeseen ways.

But I'm curious to know what love means to you.

So...What is love?

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